archipelago It is located to 160 kilometers of the frank north
of the central coast and they integrate it an island, more
than 40 keys, 300 banks of sand and great quantity of
coralline reefs. of Los Roques, together with the island of
Ave and The Orchila conforms the oceanic islands",
separated from the continental platform for channels of great
depth and taken a bath by oceanic, warm and transparent
In the 221 thousand 120 hectares of extension of the
archipelago such a rich and exuberant fauna proliferates as
its landscape, what has attracted from half-filled from this
century to fishermen interested in extracting particularly of
its waters botuto and lobster. This activity, as well as the
non organized tourism, they shrank the natural and scenic
resources considerably, reason for which the State decided to
decree it national park August 9 1972.
As for the origin of the keys, it is known that these they
began to be formed about 130 million years ago, period in
which the configuration of the rocks began
igneous-metamorfizadas that compose it. This platform that got
up later on, being very near the surface, it is the one that
today in day gives seat to the Great one Asleep.
archipelago "represents one of the natural phenomenons of
more ecological, scientific and picturesque interest as
attractiveness that it possesses the Venezuelan
country". The area decreed as National Park includes
earth spaces and open sea that occupy 225.153 hectares. The
official boundaries of the Park are determined by the
following geographical location: among 11° 42' and 12° 04'
of North
latitude and between 66° 30' and 67° 00' longitude West.
The geologic history and the geomorphologic evolution of the
archipelago present quite defined features. The carried out
studies have revealed that the well-known "Complex
Granitic of the The Great Roques" formation had their
origin during the
"Superior Creatic Era" in igneous rocks that today
appears in The Great Roque's hills and the successive
variations in its morphology have its origin in a movement
that embraced the whole area of the Antilles. In later stages,
the formation of the
submarine relief of these islands was influenced by the action
of the marine currents and, in a particular way, for the
growing activity of the corals, mollusks and other fauna
groups and marine flora.
The relief, in the archipelago, is one of the physical factors
of more incidence in the quality of the area, and it presents
very excellent features among those that highlight, the great
barrier of reefs denominated Head of Los Roques, that extends
in arch
form, with a longitude of almost 24 km. until the mouth of
Sebastopol and the narrow barrier formed by the keys
"Nube Verde" (Green Cloud) and "Salina",
located at the south with about 2 kms. of longitude.
These protectors barriers are located to windward of the winds
and the oceanic currents, as well they are separated from the
keys located to the north of the archipelago by a great
central lagoon of quiet waters with greenish bottom that is
sometimes interrupted by prairies of marine grasses. This
great central
lagoon of the archipelago has been denominated bay of
"Los Corrales". Its approximate surface is of 400
square kilometers.
To the south of the archipelago a narrow and abrupt submarine
platform appears where the depths of the sea oscillate between
the 500 and the 1.000 meters. To the north, the platform is
wider and the depths are about the ten meters.
the development of the archipelago, the towns settlers
(indigenous coming from the center-north of the country and of
Curazao, Aruba and Bonaire) they were leaving archaeological
rakes that accuse their presence in these islands, to those
that arrived mainly in food search. According to Carlos Martínez
Pedroza it indicates it, general manager of Subvitur Aquatic
Activities, as much in Crasquí as in Two Mosquises has been
fragments of pieces of ceramic prehispanic and in the Museum
of Art of the Corner of Caracas it is in exhibition great
quantity of the material gathered by investigators attributed
to that institution that includes before Columbus ceramic with
anthropomorphous decorations and ornaments parentheses,
pectoral axes of stone and flutes, among other ornamental and
utilitarian elements. The visits of these settlers were
sporadic and it was not but until the establishment of the
Dutchmen that you/they looked for to exploit salt and mangrove
in this area, when the islands began to be populated, as well
as after the arrival of fishermen margariteños who at the
moment conform 25 percent of the Asleep population of the
Great one.
The form like the archipelago was populated it indicates the
cultural heterogeneity that reigns in him; the same one that
signa the day by day of the roqueño, their vents, their
customs. The roqueño is, for mainly, a citizen of the world
that lives after the service and that delights in satisfying
the expectations of who ventures for that warm earth, full of
Ecological paradise
Although during a lot of time it was a source for the
limitless usury on the part of the settlers, the archipelago
maintains a biodiversity of incalculable value. The animal
species and vegetables survived the pillaging; as the green
turtle, the botuto and the lobster; to the drying of the bark
of the mangroves, recognized by their high combustible value
and to the phosphate exploitation and guano, used as chemical
To this sinks the one that the conditions in the archipelago
are extreme for the proliferation of vegetable life, with an
annual half temperature on 28 centigrade degrees and to an
almost total absence of rains. Indeed, it is known that not
more than 30 vegetable species they can adapt to these extreme
conditions. They proliferate in this sense several types of
mangroves, essential elements for the stabilization of the
costs, formation of the floor and energy source through their
leaves. It is low the I cover of the natural protection as
numerous aquatic and terrestrial species they reproduce.
But the unquestionable kings of the submarine funds are the
coralline reefs, recognized by their high biological value,
fisiográfico and ecological. Fish like the pargos and mere,
and crustaceans like the lobster, they are counted among the
most celebrated guests in the reefs. Other species that have
developed special adaptations in particular for that
ecosystem, proliferate equally like it is the case of the fish
angel or butterfly. In accordance with the changes in the
topography of the reefs, in Los Roques three types can be
located: the Shallow Platform that goes from the six to the
eight meters where pieces of dead coral are plentiful and the
diversity of species is low; the Crest arrecifal that goes
from the eight to the 15 meters, with a bigger wealth and a
percentage of very low dead coral; and, finally, the Talud
Arrecifal, from the 15 until the 40 meters that it is where
the submarine wealth reaches its maximum expression. Due to
the depth they are common the forms plate that you/they allow
to capture to the maximum the light.
In other important ecosystem submarine roqueño, that of the
marine fanerógamas, they are also hundred of fish that
reproduce and they live their juvenile stage; mollusks like
the botuto, a giant snail of rosy meat very appreciated the
one that are also attributed properties afrodisíacas; you
shatter and sea cucumbers. The fenerógamas is plants with
flowers that, contrary to the algae, they reproduce by means
of flowers and fruits. They are located in superficial waters,
in areas of little depth behind the coralline barriers and in
the area of the swamps.
People of Los Roques are as blue as her sea, because to speak
with them is to dive in those luminous waves that enter from
very early for the windows and they force to the body to not
getting lost of anything. But those characters that you/they
never lack in the county of the country are also and that they
are appointment forced when speaking of how the town roqueño
is. As Dionisio Gil Rafael, one of the most charismatic,
although people usually call it Morrongo, a motto that has
followed it in every year in Los Roques, since her family one
came from Margarita to prove luck. Of that they have spent
more than 50 years that are appreciated in their weatherbeaten
skin and in their almost blind eyes, hidden after some thick
grated glasses. "After the operation I entered to
carretillero, but before was fisherman", says evoking
their intervention for the myopia, while it accommodates their
wheelbarrow against the wall, the same one that gives him the
sustenance, although the load rate is low. "The work
right now matao is. It is getting paid very little bit, 2.000
bolivars hardly. But the National Watch's friends and the girl
of here of Inparques they help me with the cafecito",
Morrongo, the same as their nearer competitor, Juan without
spark, they never made marital life neither they had children.
Juan Ramón Narváez Salazar is younger, but the havocs in the
skin for the burning sun are also imborrables. "All call
me Juan without spark, I don't remember for as much as",
says. The lips full with bladders smile the whole time, but
the look is lost toward the airport, where waits for it a sure
load that doesn't want to leave Morrongo for anything of the
world. And, why didn't marry? "Because here the women
mount a lot of piece", it sentences convinced.
It is not the same opinion of Mano Andrés, a fisherman seated
in Crasquí for more than 30 years, the same ones that has
with their partner sentimental, better acquaintance as Forita.
Fisherman from the seven years, Mano Andrés didn't study but
rather was devoted to exploit the sea roqueño. "This is
the most beautiful beach of all. I have always lived in Crasquí.
We assist the tourists, we take out carite that is it that
more they request, also lobster that we take out with having
dived and with nasa". I Flow Andrés hesitates when
saying that has six children, maybe because the memory plays
him bad last in its intent of not counting at the seventh, the
one that was drowned in that same beach when was three years
old. But the grandsons don't let him to continue speaking and
they force him to suffocate a small fight, while they are
disputed a shell in the bank of the beach. There, in their own
house, Mano Andrés and Forita they assist everybody who wants
go to eat.
And I eat the jesters they don't lack, one can not stop to
mention to The bugs", they are always in the Asleep jetty
of the Great one, surrendered in body and soul to the
spirituous drinks. " Do you know why here there is pure
boy"?, does Luis Beltrán ask, and without waiting answer
it does present us his " paramachete ", a cocktail
of fruits of the sea that takes octopus, squids, a lot of
onion and lemon among other subtleties. "It also takes a
secret touch", says while it sustains that it is a
hundred effective percent to light the spirit more I calm
down, it doesn't care if it is man or woman. And if it is not
very convinced of such kindness afrodisíacas, then it is need
to consider another of their properties: according to him, the
paramachete is very effective to achieve the boys to go out
with the blue eyes, as those of the Germans. |