Aeropuertos Internacional
Aeropuertos Nacionales
Agencias Maritima
Agencias de Aduanas
Agencias de Carga
Agencias de Viajes Estados
Alojamiento  Estados 
Alquiler Carros con Chofer
Alquiler de Autobuses
Alquiler de Aviones
Arrendadoras de Carros
Asociaciones Gremiales
Cadenas  Hoteleras
Casas de Cambio
Clubes Recreacionales
Codigos Internacionales
Codigos Nacionales
Comercializa Internacion
Conformacion Cheques
Consultores Gerenciales 
Consultor Gerencia Hotel 
Cruceros Excursiones
Empreas Editorial Turismo
Estancias por Estados
Hoteles por Estados
Institutos de Turismo
Lineas Aereas
Medios Public -Turismo
Mudanzas Internacionales
Oficinas de Representacion
Oficinas de Turismo
Organizacion de Eventos
Parqes-Nacionales Estados
Parques-Recreacion Estado
Portales en Internet
Posadas por Estados
Restaurantes  por Regiones
Servicio de Traduccione
Servicios Especial Turismo
Sistemas de Reservas
Tarjetas Credito
Terminales Transporte
Tiempo Compartido
Tramitacion Documentos
Transporte Documentos
Transporte Internacional
Transporte Aereo
Transporte Maritimo
Transporte Terrestre
Transporte Turismo
Turismo y Excursiones
Turismo-Salud y Relax

Seccion Internacional

Husos Horarios 


Tarifas-Vuelos Intnal








Seccion Inmobiliaria

Compra  por Estados

Ventaa por Estados

Alquiler por Estados

Guia Turistica Nacional


Informacion por Estados


Mapa de Carreteras


Zona Horaria

Seccion Tradiciones





Fiestas Populares

Fiestas Patronales

Ferias en Venezuela







Patrimonio Cultural

Galeria de Fotos

Galeria Naturaleza

Galeria Naturaleza Arte

Galeria Tradiciones

Galeria Animales 

Galeria Pajaros

Galeria de Videos







Los Llanos 


Noticias del Mundo

Resumen NoticiasMundo

Busqueda Internet

Busqueda Imagenes

Busqueda Grupos

Busqueda Catalogos

Busqueda Directorioa

Ecoportal Venezuela

Guiatur Venezuela

Venezuela Web Links



Guia de Informacion por Estados de Venezuela


Designed like: Ecological Treasure  by Directur - Venezuela

Los Roques has a management plan in which seven management
zones are outlined:

Integral Protection Zone: Made up of the islands Selesquí, Los Canquises,
Isla Larga and the Esparquí-Sebastopol-Boca de Cote complex, and
emergent zones around them like sand bars and reefs. Access is restricted
and only monitoring and research activities supervised by INPARQUES are
Primitive Zone: Includes the marine area that surrounds Selesquí Island
coral reef, Cayo Carenero, and part of the area that surrounds Los
Canquises (a distance of half a nautical mile [926 m]). Also included are
Cayo Sal, Dos Mosquises Norte, Cayo de Agua, Bequevé, and the East
Barrier, which contains the keys of Nordisquí, Cayo Vapor, Cayo Muerto,
Botosquí, Saquisaqui, among others (see map). 
Managed Natural Environment Zone: Includes the keys Remanso Isla
Felipe, Isla Fernando, Yonquí, Sarquí, Espenquí, Isla Agustín (Prestonquí),
Turquí, Sandquí, Cayo Loco, and Rabusquí. All areas that are not included
in any other category, as the waters that lie outside the archipelago but
that remain inside park limits, fall under this category. 
Recreation Zone: Includes Gran Roque islands, and the keys and reefs of
Francisquíes, Rasquí, Madrisquí, Cayo Pirata, Noronquises and Crasquí. 
Zone of Historic, Cultural, Archaeologic and Paleontologic Interest:
Includes certain sectors of Bequevé, Cayo de Agua, Dos Mosquises, middle
Noronquí, Cayo Sal, Los Canquises, Gran Roque, and Crasquí keys. 
Service Zone: Comprises areas of the park allotted for the installation of
infrastructure for tourism, scientific research, and anchoring zones for
Special Use Zone: Includes all areas that have been affected or submitted
to activities that go against park rules to which special management plans
have been assigned. These are: 
Navigation Channel, a 100m wide waterway that determines the
entrance route to the park by sea. 
Dos Mosquises Sur key, includes the surface of this key and all
installations dedicated to scientific research. 
Gran Roque Island, where the only permanent human settlement is
found and the categories of Managed Natural Environment Zone,
Service Zone, Recreation Zone, and Traditional Human Settlement
Zone have been included on the island. 

According to the AUA's creation decree (1,214 of Gaceta Oficial N° 4,250E,
01/18/1991), this organization is in charge of administering public services and
urban regulations in Gran Roque Island, the fulfillment of the management plan
for the town and tourist activity control. The desalination plant that produces water
for human consumption, in addition to the electric plant and management of
waste, are all controlled by the AUA. Their operating expenses come almost
entirely from taxes paid by tourist operators in the park (restaurants and lodges)
and a visitor entrance fee. The AUA has 50 employees in Los Roques and
approximately 25 in Caracas.

In other respects, environmental regulation and administration of non-tourist
zones in the park fall under the jurisdiction of the National Parks Institute
(INPARQUES), the organization responsible for administration and management
of national parks in Venezuela. Aside from these two institutions (AUA and
INPARQUES), the Autonomous Fishery Service (SARPA), ascribed to the Ministry of
the Environment; regulates fishing activities in the archipelago with the help of
INPARQUES and the National Guard. 

INPARQUES has seven park guards and one superintendent (Ing. Jesús Durán)
that monitor and guard the park. Most of them are stationed at the Gran Roque
guard post. The Dos Mosquises post has one guard, and there are no permanent
personnel at the Crasquí post. The park has three boats with only one of them
working properly. The latter is an 18-foot boat with two 175 HP motors that was
donated by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation (AECI). The AECI
also donated computer equipment to the office of INPARQUES in Gran Roque.
The headquarters in Gran Roque, Dos Mosquises guard post, and the boat
donated by the AECI are all equipped with radios.

The park has three access routes by sea, all duly outlined in navigation charts
and marked by beacons. There is one beacon on the northeastern limits in the
Boca de Sebastopol (11° 46' N, 66° 35' W), another at the southwestern tip close
to Dos Mosquises (11° 48' N, 66° 54' W), and the third located around the north
access in Gran Roque Island. The islands visited by tourists are well marked.
However, Integral Protection Zones and Managed Natural Environment Zones
visited by ParksWatch-Venezuela lacked signs or the existing signs were not
properly maintained.

Los Roques has a management plan in which seven management
zones are outlined:

Integral Protection Zone: Made up of the islands Selesquí, Los Canquises,
Isla Larga and the Esparquí-Sebastopol-Boca de Cote complex, and
emergent zones around them like sand bars and reefs. Access is restricted
and only monitoring and research activities supervised by INPARQUES are
Primitive Zone: Includes the marine area that surrounds Selesquí Island
coral reef, Cayo Carenero, and part of the area that surrounds Los
Canquises (a distance of half a nautical mile [926 m]). Also included are
Cayo Sal, Dos Mosquises Norte, Cayo de Agua, Bequevé, and the East
Barrier, which contains the keys of Nordisquí, Cayo Vapor, Cayo Muerto,
Botosquí, Saquisaqui, among others (see map). 
Managed Natural Environment Zone: Includes the keys Remanso Isla
Felipe, Isla Fernando, Yonquí, Sarquí, Espenquí, Isla Agustín (Prestonquí),
Turquí, Sandquí, Cayo Loco, and Rabusquí. All areas that are not included
in any other category, as the waters that lie outside the archipelago but
that remain inside park limits, fall under this category. 
Recreation Zone: Includes Gran Roque islands, and the keys and reefs of
Francisquíes, Rasquí, Madrisquí, Cayo Pirata, Noronquises and Crasquí. 
Zone of Historic, Cultural, Archaeologic and Paleontologic Interest:
Includes certain sectors of Bequevé, Cayo de Agua, Dos Mosquises, middle
Noronquí, Cayo Sal, Los Canquises, Gran Roque, and Crasquí keys. 
Service Zone: Comprises areas of the park allotted for the installation of
infrastructure for tourism, scientific research, and anchoring zones for
Special Use Zone: Includes all areas that have been affected or submitted
to activities that go against park rules to which special management plans
have been assigned. These are: 
Navigation Channel, a 100m wide waterway that determines the
entrance route to the park by sea. 
Dos Mosquises Sur key, includes the surface of this key and all
installations dedicated to scientific research. 
Gran Roque Island, where the only permanent human settlement is
found and the categories of Managed Natural Environment Zone,
Service Zone, Recreation Zone, and Traditional Human Settlement
Zone have been included on the island. 

According to the AUA's creation decree (1,214 of Gaceta Oficial N° 4,250E,
01/18/1991), this organization is in charge of administering public services and
urban regulations in Gran Roque Island, the fulfillment of the management plan
for the town and tourist activity control. The desalination plant that produces water
for human consumption, in addition to the electric plant and management of
waste, are all controlled by the AUA. Their operating expenses come almost
entirely from taxes paid by tourist operators in the park (restaurants and lodges)
and a visitor entrance fee. The AUA has 50 employees in Los Roques and
approximately 25 in Caracas.

In other respects, environmental regulation and administration of non-tourist
zones in the park fall under the jurisdiction of the National Parks Institute
(INPARQUES), the organization responsible for administration and management
of national parks in Venezuela. Aside from these two institutions (AUA and
INPARQUES), the Autonomous Fishery Service (SARPA), ascribed to the Ministry of
the Environment; regulates fishing activities in the archipelago with the help of
INPARQUES and the National Guard. 

INPARQUES has seven park guards and one superintendent (Ing. Jesús Durán)
that monitor and guard the park. Most of them are stationed at the Gran Roque
guard post. The Dos Mosquises post has one guard, and there are no permanent
personnel at the Crasquí post. The park has three boats with only one of them
working properly. The latter is an 18-foot boat with two 175 HP motors that was
donated by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation (AECI). The AECI
also donated computer equipment to the office of INPARQUES in Gran Roque.
The headquarters in Gran Roque, Dos Mosquises guard post, and the boat
donated by the AECI are all equipped with radios.

The park has three access routes by sea, all duly outlined in navigation charts
and marked by beacons. There is one beacon on the northeastern limits in the
Boca de Sebastopol (11° 46' N, 66° 35' W), another at the southwestern tip close
to Dos Mosquises (11° 48' N, 66° 54' W), and the third located around the north
access in Gran Roque Island. The islands visited by tourists are well marked.
However, Integral Protection Zones and Managed Natural Environment Zones
visited by ParksWatch-Venezuela lacked signs or the existing signs were not
properly maintained.

Los Roques has a management plan in which seven management
zones are outlined:

Integral Protection Zone: Made up of the islands Selesquí, Los Canquises,
Isla Larga and the Esparquí-Sebastopol-Boca de Cote complex, and
emergent zones around them like sand bars and reefs. Access is restricted
and only monitoring and research activities supervised by INPARQUES are
Primitive Zone: Includes the marine area that surrounds Selesquí Island
coral reef, Cayo Carenero, and part of the area that surrounds Los
Canquises (a distance of half a nautical mile [926 m]). Also included are
Cayo Sal, Dos Mosquises Norte, Cayo de Agua, Bequevé, and the East
Barrier, which contains the keys of Nordisquí, Cayo Vapor, Cayo Muerto,
Botosquí, Saquisaqui, among others (see map). 
Managed Natural Environment Zone: Includes the keys Remanso Isla
Felipe, Isla Fernando, Yonquí, Sarquí, Espenquí, Isla Agustín (Prestonquí),
Turquí, Sandquí, Cayo Loco, and Rabusquí. All areas that are not included
in any other category, as the waters that lie outside the archipelago but
that remain inside park limits, fall under this category. 
Recreation Zone: Includes Gran Roque islands, and the keys and reefs of
Francisquíes, Rasquí, Madrisquí, Cayo Pirata, Noronquises and Crasquí. 
Zone of Historic, Cultural, Archaeologic and Paleontologic Interest:
Includes certain sectors of Bequevé, Cayo de Agua, Dos Mosquises, middle
Noronquí, Cayo Sal, Los Canquises, Gran Roque, and Crasquí keys. 
Service Zone: Comprises areas of the park allotted for the installation of
infrastructure for tourism, scientific research, and anchoring zones for
Special Use Zone: Includes all areas that have been affected or submitted
to activities that go against park rules to which special management plans
have been assigned. These are: 
Navigation Channel, a 100m wide waterway that determines the
entrance route to the park by sea. 
Dos Mosquises Sur key, includes the surface of this key and all
installations dedicated to scientific research. 
Gran Roque Island, where the only permanent human settlement is
found and the categories of Managed Natural Environment Zone,
Service Zone, Recreation Zone, and Traditional Human Settlement
Zone have been included on the island. 

According to the AUA's creation decree (1,214 of Gaceta Oficial N° 4,250E,
01/18/1991), this organization is in charge of administering public services and
urban regulations in Gran Roque Island, the fulfillment of the management plan
for the town and tourist activity control. The desalination plant that produces water
for human consumption, in addition to the electric plant and management of
waste, are all controlled by the AUA. Their operating expenses come almost
entirely from taxes paid by tourist operators in the park (restaurants and lodges)
and a visitor entrance fee. The AUA has 50 employees in Los Roques and
approximately 25 in Caracas.

In other respects, environmental regulation and administration of non-tourist
zones in the park fall under the jurisdiction of the National Parks Institute
(INPARQUES), the organization responsible for administration and management
of national parks in Venezuela. Aside from these two institutions (AUA and
INPARQUES), the Autonomous Fishery Service (SARPA), ascribed to the Ministry of
the Environment; regulates fishing activities in the archipelago with the help of
INPARQUES and the National Guard. 

INPARQUES has seven park guards and one superintendent (Ing. Jesús Durán)
that monitor and guard the park. Most of them are stationed at the Gran Roque
guard post. The Dos Mosquises post has one guard, and there are no permanent
personnel at the Crasquí post. The park has three boats with only one of them
working properly. The latter is an 18-foot boat with two 175 HP motors that was
donated by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation (AECI). The AECI
also donated computer equipment to the office of INPARQUES in Gran Roque.
The headquarters in Gran Roque, Dos Mosquises guard post, and the boat
donated by the AECI are all equipped with radios.

The park has three access routes by sea, all duly outlined in navigation charts
and marked by beacons. There is one beacon on the northeastern limits in the
Boca de Sebastopol (11° 46' N, 66° 35' W), another at the southwestern tip close
to Dos Mosquises (11° 48' N, 66° 54' W), and the third located around the north
access in Gran Roque Island. The islands visited by tourists are well marked.
However, Integral Protection Zones and Managed Natural Environment Zones
visited by ParksWatch-Venezuela lacked signs or the existing signs were not
properly maintained.


History  -  Geography  -  Services  Posadas  -  Rules&Norms   

Conservation  -  Management  -  Biodiversity  -  Human-Activity  -  Theats  -  Summary  

Scuba  -  Sailship  -  Fishing  - Gastronomic  -   Los Roques-Map  -  What to Do

Special  Report - Vuelta en Kayac al Archipielago Los Roques

Guia de Informacion  por Estados

Amazonas State-Map

Anzoategui Stae Map

Apure State Map

Aragua-State Map

Bolivar State-Maps

Carabobo State - Map


Delta Amacuro Map

Distrito Federal Map

Falcon State Map

Guarico State Map

Lara State Map

Merida State Map


Monagas Stae Map

Nueva Esparta State Map


Sucre State Map

Tachira State Map

Trujillo State Map

Yaracuy State Map

Zulia State Map

Contenido - Seccion Directorio Turismo Nacional

Aeropuertos -Internacionales

Aeropuertos Nacionales 

Agencias de Aduanas

Agencias de Carga

Agencias Maritimas

Agencias de Viajes - por Estados

Alojamiento por Estados

Alquiler de Autobuses

Alquiler de Aviones

Alquiler Carros con Chofer

Alquiler Carros sin chofer

Asociaciones Gremiales

Cadenas  Hoteleras

Camaras de Comercio

Casas de Cambio

Casas Vacacionales

Clubes Recreacionales

Codigos Internacionales

Codigos Nacionales

Comercializadoras  Internacionales

Conformacion Cheques

Consulados y Embajadas

Consultores Gerenciales

Consultores Gerenciales Hoteles

Cruceros Excursiones

Empresas Editoriales -Turismo

Estancias por Estados

Hoteles por Estados

Husos Horarios Internacional

Institutos de Turismo

Lineas Aereas


Medios Public -Turismo

Monumentos-Naturales Estados

Mudanzas Internacionales

Noti-Tips Turismo-Magazine

Oficinas de Representacion

Oficinas de Turismo


Organizacion de Eventos

Parques-Nacionales por Estados

Parques-Recreacionales  Estados

Portales en Internet

Posadas por Estados

Restaurantes  por Regiones

Servicios Especializados Turismo


Servicio Mailing List - Turismo

Servicio de Mensajeros

Servicio de Traducciones

Sistemas de Reservas

Tarjetas Credito

Terminales Transporte

Tiempo Compartido

Tramitacion Documentos

Transporte Aereo

Transporte Documentos

Transporte Internacional

Transporte Maritimo

Transporte Terrestre

Transporte Turismo

Turismo-Guias Profesionales

Turismo  Salud y Relax - SPA

Guia de Informacion - Itinerarios y Tarifas - Vuelos Nacionales e Internacionales

Seccion Comercial-Indice por Destino Nacional -Europa-USA Canada-America Latina-Otros

Nacional Europa
America  USA y Canada  America Latina



Regional Map Seccion Internacional Area Turismo  - (57 Secciones)

Venezuela Informacion General

Seccion Tradiciones, Folklore, Gastronomia, Fiestas, y Valores de Venezuela

  Guia Turistica de Venezuela  (GUIATUR) en Internet unica Guia Turistica de Venezuela en Internet  Please E-mail to Us  inscribase

Seccion Inmobiliaria Area Turismo   (Compra - Ventas - Alquiler) Seccion Clasificados
Apartamentos  Casas  Posadas Campamentos Cabañas Hoteles  Resorts  -  (Clasificados por Estados)

Directur  -  Galeria de Fotos por Temas (5)  mas de 1.000 fotos 
  Galeria Naturaleza  Galeria Naturaleza Arte  Galeria Tradiciones  Galeria Animales  Galeria Pajaros

Directur  -  Galeria de Videos por Regiones (8)
   Venezuela  -  Amazonas  -  Andes  -  Bolivar  -  Delta Islas  -  Los Llanos  -  Pajaros

Servicio Envio Masivo Correo Electronico a su disposicion - Area Turismo Nacional Please E-mail to Us 
Para sus necesidades de difusion de Informacion, Noticias, Ofertas de sus productos Turisticos, etc -  a mas de 20.000 destinatarios

Directur venezuela - 30 Idiomas Traductor 


DIRECTUR le ofrece el valor añadido a su anuncio al colocar 45 sitios con Informacion de Interes

Parques nacionales clasificados por Estados  Monumentos Naturales Clasificados por Regiones  Parques Recreacionales - Clasificados por Estados  Nature Calendar  Gastronomic Section  Sitios Historicos Artesania Turismo de Salud y bienestarSaltos de agua cercanos  Club de PLaya cercano Playas cercanas Iglesias cercanas Gastronomia zona Parque o formacion vegetal en la zona Sitios especial escenicos para sacar fotografias
Posadas de Venezuela- clasificadas por cada Estado Campamentos  Alquiler de Carros sin chofer Agencias de viajes clasificadas por Estado Casa de CambioTarjetas de Credito telefonosIntroduccion General por Estados Mapas de Venezuela por Estados Aeropuertos Nacionales Transporte Maritimo Galeria  de Fotos (mas de 1.000) Galeria de Videos (8 Regiones de Venezuela) Introduccion a Venezuela Informacion general  
Scuba.& Diving Raftng Hiking and Trekking Circuits Bike & Mountain Bike Activity Parapente activity Camapamento Vacaional Niños Surfing. Bass Fish in Venezuela Natural History & Photographing Tour  
Informacion relacionada a actividades, sitios de interes, servicios- clasificada por los 24 Estados  - sin costo extra
DIRECTUR le ofrece colocar Iconos de Clasificacion de Servicios para Empresas de Alojamiento
Sin costo extra - Incluido en su contratacion con nosotros

Ejemplos de Pautas Publicitarias y Lista de Tarifas    visitelas antes de decidir Desde Bs.5.000,oo Mes

Opcion Sencilla  Opcion Destacados  Opcion Portada de Seccion  Opcion Pagina Completa  Opcion Portada Pagina Principal  

Unase a la Evolucion en Internet

e-mail Corporativo:

e-mail Direccion General


Telefonos Oficinas Master 212 993 5434  

Celular Oficina 0416 408 6989

Celular Particular 0416 728 2443

Direccion Postal: Apartado postal 61232 Chacao 1060a Caracas

Oficinas: Avd Orinoco Edif Amayur PB Ofic SS - Urb Las Mercedes - Caracas 

e-mail CorporativoPlease E-mail to Us  Ger. Gral Please E-mail to Us   Gcia-VentasPlease E-mail to Us  Informacion Please E-mail to Us  SubscripcionPlease E-mail to Us

Directur es otro producto tecnologico del Grupo Ecoportal Venezuela

Desea Informacion para Inscribirse en el Unico Direcorio Electronico Sistema Turistico Nacional Please E-mail to Us 

Agrege a sus favoritos! (CTRL-D) - Para tener acceso inmediato a la base de informacion Turistica mas amplia del Mercado  Directur estadísticas